Free MP3 Player from Russell Brunson

I just got this free MP3 player in the mail that is pre-loaded with a 6 hour seminar on Russell Brunson’s Micro Continuity system. Check it out:


If you plan to get your own MP3 Player from Russell, do me a favor and click on this link:

…I’ll get a few bucks commission from the referral (my girls are going to need braces one day!!!)


P.S. Please, no comments on how bad I look in the video. I’ve got a toddler and a teething 10 month old – I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in nearly 3 years. It’s astonishing that I can even speak coherently.

4 thoughts on “Free MP3 Player from Russell Brunson”

  1. I remember those times although it was a long time ago, I had three daughters and the last one had colic that was like a nightmare for three months!

    I came here to tell you Andrew – I sent you a PM in the forum. I hope you find time, and can keep your eyes open long enough to read it.

  2. Hi Andrew, Sorry it’s been so long since I commented here. I really like what you have to say!

    Anyway, I hope the year has given you some sleep. I *hear* it gets better, but now that my kids are nearly 5 and just turned 3, the sleep hasn’t gotten much better ;(

    Hope yours has, at least!

  3. Bill,

    I now completely understand the effectiveness of sleep deprivation as a method of torture. I hope they start sleeping through the night before they become teenagers and I start worrying about where they are and when they’ll be home!


  4. I hear you on the lack of decent sleep! I’ve got an almost 4 year old and a 2 year old. Sheesh, do they ever sleep well?

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